
With these 300 million users, Twitter is one of the most used social networks of the moment. The principle is simple: share information as quickly as possible using messages up to 140 characters long. Before trying to tame this bird, it is good to know its specific vocabulary, here is a lexicon to better understand the language used by the twittosphere:

Tweet: The tweet is the short message through which information circulates on the network, limited to 140 characters, and can recently include images, gifs and videos (hence the verb tweeter).
Timeline (Newsfeed): The newsfeed is the main page of Twitter, it is here that messages are displayed accounts that you follow (see next word).
To follow: Follow someone, sign up for their account, in other words see all the tweets of this person on his newsfeed.
Following: The number of people / accounts that the user follows.
Followers (Subscribers): The number of people / accounts that follow the user.
Retweet / RT: The retweet allows to share a tweet that is not his (or to trace an old tweet) with his subscribers.
DM / Direct Message: A message that, unlike tweets, is not public, can be sent to one person (whom you follow and who follows you back) or to a selected group.
@: The arobase is used before a user's nickname so that the user receives a notification immediately when the tweet is published. This allows you to send tweets to specific users while remaining visible to the rest of your subscribers.
# / Hashtag: The hashtag is the most used symbol of Twitter. Its purpose is to '' categorize '' your tweet by giving it one or more keywords.

Once your registration is complete, you can start following other people (friends, families, celebrities, brands, etc ...). To follow an account, the process is simple. Just go to the page of the account in question (via a search or suggestions) and click on the button '' Follow '' (or '' Follow ''). You can now see all their tweets on your newsfeed.

Three tabs are available to you, Home, Notifications, and Messages. The first is your newsfeed. You receive a notification whenever someone adds one of your tweets to their favorites, retweets you, follows you, answers you, or tweets you. Finally, messages (DM) are the list of different private conversations that you have (On June 11, 2015, Twitter introduced the ability to send "direct messages" of more than 140 characters).

You now need to learn how to tweet. To post a tweet, either from your computer or the official application, just write what you want in the bar at the top (or bottom for applications) of the screen (the one where is written '' What's new? '') In 140 characters or less. Use the hashtags (but not too much), send tweets to people, post photos, just have fun and enjoy!

Twitter is a social network whose speed and vast network of users make it a preferred choice for many people and companies. It allows, for example, fans to have more contact with their favorite celebrities or internet sites to inform updates, thus giving it its reputation as a communication network as well as an information network.


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